Shoyoroku - Case 85: The National Teacher's Gravestone [1] Emperor Shukuso [2] asked Chu, the national teacher, "What would you wish me to do after a hundred years [3]?" The national teacher said, "Make a seamless gravestone [4] for this old monk." The emperor said, "I should like to ask you, master, for a design." The national teacher remained silent for a long time. Then he said, "Did you understand?" The emperor said, "I didn't understand anything." The national teacher said, "I have a Dharma successor, my disciple Tangen, who is well versed with this matter." Afterwards the emperor called Tangen and asked him about the meaning of this. Tangen responded: "The south of the river, north of the lake: In between there's gold, which fills the whole land. Under the shadowless tree all people are in one boat; In the crystal palace there is no one who knows." [1]]: see case 18 of Hekiganroku. [2]: Historically speaking it was Emperor Daiso the oldest son and successor of Shukuso. [3]: After your death. [4]: An egg-formed gravestone which is made out of a single piece of stone. It was often made for deceased monks.